During your time at Worsley College, you will have the opportunity to take part in a number of different enrichment activities. These will increase your enjoyment of college and equip you with necessary skills for your future. We have a wide range of activities on offer and these change on an annual basis to suit the needs of our current students.
For highly competitive university and career progression pathways, the College organises events, interactive workshops and activities led by industry professionals. These society events can give you the extra edge when applying for university courses. Current activities include:
- Cookery classes
- Driving theory
- Film club
- First aid sessions
- Hairdressing & Beauty workshops
- Industry guest speakers
- Volunteering opportunities
Throughout the year we also host a variety of lunchtime events and activities for you to get involved in. These have included a vegetarian BBQ, Chinese and Buddhist celebrations, Red Nose Day fundraiser, Halloween celebration, and Children in Need activities. These events are a chance for you to unwind have fun with your friends and raise money for charity.
Student Ambassadors
Any student can become an ambassador and get involved in college events such as open days, enrolment, and enrichment activities. In recognition of this, we will reward you with a reference for university or employment.

Volunteer Task Force Group
The College has its own Volunteer Task Force Group which is made up of environmentally conscious students who work to ensure the local community is kept clean and tidy. Alternatively, students interested in sports volunteering can work with Salford Community Leisure or Manchester Football Association. The College works with a number of charities and students can become a volunteer and help support these worthwhile causes during their time with us.

We have an LGBT Group (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) which provides an avenue for students, whether LGBT or not, to meet up on a regular basis. This group links with the local authority and University of Salford to raise awareness across our college.